Zipper & metal manufacturer
Our client is a manufacturer of zippers. They need to revamp their website to continue delivering best-in-class services to corporate customers.
Zipper & metal manufacturer for global high fashion
Corporate website with user behavior tracking & CS tools to enhance customer journey
Our client is a manufacturer of zippers & metal accessories for high fashion industry. They need to revamp their website to continue delivering best-in-class services to corporate customers through implementing e-marketing automations.

– Unable to join regular oversea exhibitions due to uncertain global environment
– No CRM & effective instant messaging tool integrated with existing website
– A virtual platform is needed to keep clients informed of latest products
– Require to know customers behavior while browsing the website for more insights

Website & CMS development
– Integrate with heatmap tool that highlights website sections with most visits
– Instant messenger that allows multiple sales to response to requests with chat records
– Customized CRM to record customer’s special occasions with reminders to sales
– Email blasting tools to send out customized messages to specific groups
– Auto email to sales if any specific actions performed i.e. catalog downloaded

– Modernized website UI that enhanced corporate image of the traditional brand
– Implemented e-marketing tools streamlined sales & customer service operation flow
– Shortened response time with products promoted that best fit customers’ needs
– Insights brought by customer actions provide deeper understanding of market demand
– Enhanced communications with customer even without physical events