technine榮獲2021 e-Brand Award - 最佳IoT物聯網雲端QR Code門禁方案

technine is honored to receive the 2021 e-Brand Award – Best IoT Cloud-based QR Code..


We have moved to a new office with a spacious work area, game rooms and..

ezone 2021 e-Brand Award 專訪

technine's interview on receiving the ezone 2021 e-Brand Award has been published on HKET's digital..

technine 獲WTIA認可並成為會員

In 2001, Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association (WTIA) was formed to facilitate cooperation among..


technine is glad to be one of the corporate member of renowned organisation in IT..

​​​technine 現已登陸滙豐 VisionGo 平台

technine has joined HSBC VisionGo, a multi-enterprise community platform that connects all industry peers together..

technine 角逐 2021 年 ezone e-Brand Awards

It is a great pleasure for technine to compete for the annual e-Generation Brand Award..

2021 年度數碼港虛擬招聘會

technine is participating in “Cyberport Virtual Career Fair 2021” for two consecutive days, welcome to..


The Ox is the most hard-working mascot in the Chinese Zodiac, it represents wealth, loyalty,..

介紹 technine Smart Access — 雲端QR Code門禁系統

technine Smart Access Cloud is a cloud-based QR code access control system. The administrator can..