technine 早前參與 ViuTV《智富通》拍攝,3集節目現已上載於我們的YouTube頻道!

technine was invited by ViuTV to be part of their famous financial TV program –..

technine 接受 Business GoVirtual 主辦方的視頻現已發佈!

technine participated in the Business GoVirtual Expo in July and it was a successful physical..


We are excited to be part of the famous financial TV program – Invest Smarter..

technine 參與『想創前圖』青年生涯規劃訓練計劃 2019 - 2022

technine is glad to participate in the Hong Kong Children & Youth Services - Career..

technine獲Business GoVirtual主辦單位邀請進行訪問

technine participated at the Business GoVirtual Expo last month. We are glad to be invited..

technine 擔任「虛擬經濟會議論壇」IoT解決方案演講者 - 現已可線上重溫

technine was glad to be one of the speakers of the Business GoVirtual Conference last..

technine・玖創科技慶祝成立3週年 帶來3,333枚NFT讓大眾體驗免費鑄造

Tech Nine Limited (technine) celebrates its 3rd anniversary with 3,333 free NFT powered by NineBlocks..


technine joined the grand launch event of HKPC Digital DIY Portal on July 7 at..

立即登記 - technine 將於 Business GoVirtual Conference 進行演講

Do you want to know more about the latest trend of IoT? And how can..

2022 BUSINESS GOVirtual Expo 舉辦在即 親臨technine展位了解更多

technine’s business has not been affected by the pandemic, and it has grown against the..