We are delighted to share the joyous moments we experienced during our recent Christmas party...
(Chinese version only) 行政長官剛於10月底發表任內第二份施政報告 (施政報告2023),內容大致包括維護國家安全、提高治理水平、發展多元經濟、搶企業搶人才、造地建屋、鼓勵生育、推動青年發展以及優化醫療服務。本文將從「施政報告2023」抽取與資訊科技相關重要項目,讓業界人士快速了解是次施政報告與資訊科技相關措施內容。
As the full moon graces the night sky, we embrace the warmth of tradition and..
短片發佈: 當Web3業內人士討論區塊鏈及NFT的謬誤!
Live4Well and technine launches insightful video featuring web3 experts: Debunk blockchain fallacies and promote business..
These past few months have been a journey of growth, collaboration, and innovation as we..
technine 將 Web3 技術帶到合作夥伴的 Fit-to-earn 應用程式 — Live4Well
Hong Kong – 24 July 2023 – Tech Nine Limited (technine), a software R&D house..
technine 參與『想創前圖』青年生涯規劃訓練計劃 2022-2025
Technine is honored to be a part of the Career Aspiration Youth Enlightenment Scheme 2022-2025,..
JCI 澳門商會 「商夢啟航」考察交流活動
We were honored to participate in the “Voyage of Business” series of events and exchange..
technine 參與商業合作夥伴活動於 K11 Art Mall 購物藝術館的快閃店舖 推出具有突破性的運動賺錢遊戲
technine made a special visit to the pop-up store of our business partner’s project Live4Well,..
DIY Formula ONE 團隊建設活動
We had a blast at our very first team-building event "DIY Formula ONE" last Friday...