Play-to-earn NFT games that you should know (2)

The public used to think that it was meaningless to spend time playing games, but..

Play-to-earn NFT games that you should know (1)

What do you think of playing online or mobile games? There were different points of..

Smart Access demo video – new UI & features released

With our R&D Lab set ut at our new office at Cheung Sha Wan, our..


(Chinese version only)科技不斷進步,網絡遍佈每個角落,的確讓我們生活得更方便,不過都為企業帶來威脅。過往,不少公司都曾發生過數據庫被駭的事件,導致客戶的個人資料被意外流出,影響顧客之餘,更重創公司形象。

technine joined AWS Partner Network (APN) as Consulting Partner

technine is proud to be an APN consulting partner through its sole agent, Ingram Micro..

International Property Management & Procurement Expo 2021

technine has participated in the International Property Management and Procurement Expo 2021 held at Hong..

Hong Kong Fintech Week 2021 – Leading the Future of Fintech

technine has visited the Fintech Week 2021. More than 250 speakers, 400 exhibitors and 30..

technine established partnership with Radica – e-marketing solution provider

It’s our pleasure to be invited by Radica, a well-known marketing automation company in Hong..


(Chinese version only)本年度施政報告提及政府將繼續投資發展創新科技及智慧城市,長遠提升香港的競爭力,並宣布增設創科用地,包括開發北部都會區,並計劃建設成國際創新科技中心。種種與創新科技相關的措施,反映香港政府仍非常重視創新科技界的發展。

technine Mid-Autumn Festival party

At the Mid-Autumn Festival, technine held a party for all colleagues and we had different..