Which type of blockchain is suitable for your business?

We have discussed blockchain in the previous blogs. Do you know how many types of..

遙距管理新常態:雲支出(Cloud Spending)的環球趨勢及優勢

(Chinese version only)在 2021 年小幅下降之後,雲支出 (Cloud Spending) 再次上升,但可能不是出於我們預期的原因,而這些原因通常基於錯誤的假設。自疫情流行引發雲支出大幅增加以來,全球雲基礎設施 (Cloud Infrastructure) 支出在首次出現季度下滑後,於2021年第三季度出現反彈。

8 necessary costs of app development (2)

Last time, we introduced the 3 necessary app development costs, in which labour cost and..

8 necessary costs of app development (1)

Since the hit of pandemic in 2019, business operations are experiencing large or small changes..


(Chinese version only)今年十月底,社交媒體巨頭Facebook正式改名為Meta,計劃未來優先發展元宇宙(Metaverse)。消息一出,市場反應熱烈,大部份的遊戲代幣價格隨即上升。區塊鏈遊戲瞬間變得受歡迎,其中,The Sandbox和Decentraland大受國際關注,你能想像嗎?

Play-to-earn NFT games that you should know (2)

The public used to think that it was meaningless to spend time playing games, but..

Play-to-earn NFT games that you should know (1)

What do you think of playing online or mobile games? There were different points of..


(Chinese version only)科技不斷進步,網絡遍佈每個角落,的確讓我們生活得更方便,不過都為企業帶來威脅。過往,不少公司都曾發生過數據庫被駭的事件,導致客戶的個人資料被意外流出,影響顧客之餘,更重創公司形象。


(Chinese version only)本年度施政報告提及政府將繼續投資發展創新科技及智慧城市,長遠提升香港的競爭力,並宣布增設創科用地,包括開發北部都會區,並計劃建設成國際創新科技中心。種種與創新科技相關的措施,反映香港政府仍非常重視創新科技界的發展。

E-Brand Awards 2021——Technine IoT 雲端門禁系統 Smart Access 推動智能化無人業務

(Chinese version only)門禁與出勤系統可以變得智能化,迎合使用者與企業的新需求。由technine ·玖創科技所開發的「Smart Access」IoT雲端門禁系統,正以手機程式與雲端平台出發,為辦公室智能化、共享工作間以至各行業帶來數碼轉型新元素。