2022 年度數碼港虛擬招聘會

technine is going to participatie in “Cyberport Virtual Career Fair 2022” for three consecutive days..

technine 作為 Asia Smart App Workshop 線上研討會的主講嘉賓 - 片段 現已於線上重播!

Our project director Roger Wong was invited to be the guest speaker and panelist for..

technine 首席技術官 Ryan 受 WavingCat 邀請分享關於 LUNA Death Spiral 的技術見解

Terra (codename: LUNA) is a hot topic in the currency market at the moment. Since..

立即進行線上登記 - technine 將成為 WITA Asia Smart App Workshop 線上研討會的主講嘉賓 

It is our pleasure that our project director Roger Wong has been invited to be..

NetDragon 於AWS 網絡研討會上講解關於 Neopet 元宇宙資訊片段– 現已可於線上重播!

Our close partner NetDragon has been invited to a virtual event - AWS Industry Week..


Tiger, well regarded as the king of beasts, symbolizes fearlessness, strength, courage and authority. May..

technine 區塊鏈網絡研討會現於網站重播

technine was glad to be invited by Ingram Micro to speak at their monthly technical..

technine.玖創科技軟件開發及區塊鏈解決方案商 - 成為Amazon Web Services諮詢合作夥伴

Tech Nine Limited (technine) has recently become an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Consulting Partner and..

祝願各位聖誕快樂,2022 年新年快樂!

At this special time of the year, our thoughts turn gratefully to all who have..

Smart Access 示範短片 - 全新UI介面及功能

With our R&D Lab set ut at our new office at Cheung Sha Wan, our..