
We have discussed blockchain in the previous blogs. Do you know how many types of..

遙距管理新常態:雲支出(Cloud Spending)的環球趨勢及優勢

在 2021 年小幅下降之後,雲支出 (Cloud Spending) 再次上升,但可能不是出於我們預期的原因,而這些原因通常基於錯誤的假設。自疫情流行引發雲支出大幅增加以來,全球雲基礎設施 (Cloud Infrastructure) 支出在首次出現季度下滑後,於2021年第三季度出現反彈。


Tiger, well regarded as the king of beasts, symbolizes fearlessness, strength, courage and authority. May..

technine 區塊鏈網絡研討會現於網站重播

technine was glad to be invited by Ingram Micro to speak at their monthly technical..

寫App收費︰8個開發手機App的必要支出 (下)

Last time, we introduced the 3 necessary app development costs, in which labour cost and..

technine.玖創科技軟件開發及區塊鏈解決方案商 - 成為Amazon Web Services諮詢合作夥伴

Tech Nine Limited (technine) has recently become an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Consulting Partner and..

寫App收費︰8個開發手機App的必要支出 (上)

Since the hit of pandemic in 2019, business operations are experiencing large or small changes..

祝願各位聖誕快樂,2022 年新年快樂!

At this special time of the year, our thoughts turn gratefully to all who have..




The public used to think that it was meaningless to spend time playing games, but..