technine joined the grand launch event of HKPC Digital DIY Portal on July 7 at..
立即登記 - technine 將於 Business GoVirtual Conference 進行演講
Do you want to know more about the latest trend of IoT? And how can..
2022 BUSINESS GOVirtual Expo 舉辦在即 親臨technine展位了解更多
technine’s business has not been affected by the pandemic, and it has grown against the..
2022 年度數碼港虛擬招聘會
technine is going to participatie in “Cyberport Virtual Career Fair 2022” for three consecutive days..
technine 作為 Asia Smart App Workshop 線上研討會的主講嘉賓 - 片段 現已於線上重播!
Our project director Roger Wong was invited to be the guest speaker and panelist for..
technine 首席技術官 Ryan 受 WavingCat 邀請分享關於 LUNA Death Spiral 的技術見解
Terra (codename: LUNA) is a hot topic in the currency market at the moment. Since..
幣市此刻熱話非Terra(代號:LUNA)莫屬。LUNA從約5月10日起,雪崩式暴跌至現時近乎清零。事關算法穩定幣TerraUSD (代號:UST) 近期與美元脫鉤而承受巨大沽壓,至今未見舒緩。
立即進行線上登記 - technine 將成為 WITA Asia Smart App Workshop 線上研討會的主講嘉賓
It is our pleasure that our project director Roger Wong has been invited to be..
NetDragon 於AWS 網絡研討會上講解關於 Neopet 元宇宙資訊片段– 現已可於線上重播!
Our close partner NetDragon has been invited to a virtual event - AWS Industry Week..