(Chinese version only) 香港雖然只是一個彈丸之地,但在不同的國際排名中,往往都是名列前茅,匯聚了來自世界各地的人才。而隨著「智慧城市」的概念持續創新衍變,港府近年一直積極借助和配合各種創新科技,以求打造一個更宜居、更先進的居住及工作環境。
2022施政報告懶人包 – IT創新及科技篇
(Chinese version only)隨著全球科技競爭日益激烈,香港目前正處於創科發展的關鍵時期。行政長官李家超於10月19日發表任內第一份《施政報告》,當中提及到不少針對創新及科技的政策,對創科價值鏈及生態圈的重視可見一斑。technine摘錄了6大重點施政方向,助你把握本港創科新機遇。
technine’s article on the first “InsidW” quarterly magazine is out!
technine’s article about digital transformation with cloud solutions has been published in WTIA’s first issue..
technine’s 3 episodes on Invest Smarter (智富通) of ViuTV are available on our Youtube Channel NOW!
technine was invited by ViuTV to be part of their famous financial TV program –..
technine interview video with the Business GoVirtual event organizer is released!
technine participated in the Business GoVirtual Expo in July and it was a successful physical..
technine is on the longest-running ViuTV program – Invest Smarter (智富通)
We are excited to be part of the famous financial TV program – Invest Smarter..
technine joined Career Aspiration Youth Enlightenment Scheme 2019 – 2022
technine is glad to participate in the Hong Kong Children & Youth Services - Career..
technine was interviewed by the Business GoVirtual event organizer
technine participated at the Business GoVirtual Expo last month. We are glad to be invited..
technine as the speaker of Business GoVirtual Conference about IoT solutions – replay available 
technine was glad to be one of the speakers of the Business GoVirtual Conference last..
Celebrating technine 3rd anniversary with 3,333 free NFT to bring minting experience to the public
Tech Nine Limited (technine) celebrates its 3rd anniversary with 3,333 free NFT powered by NineBlocks..