WTIA Spring Gathering Unites Hong Kong Tech Experts

Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association (WTIA) held their annual Spring Gathering on February 16th,..

technine celebrates the successful completion of our internship program

The technine Internship Program has officially come to an end in late January. This was..

technine wishes everyone 開工大吉!

After the long weekend, the technine team has back to the office. Lucas Mo, technine..

Warm Wishes To Our Dear Colleagues

Success comes from the efforts of every team member. technine would like to thank you..

Welcome to the Year of Lucky Rabbit

Lucky Rabbit brings you a good harvest.”Rabbit” symbolizes positivity, kindness, luck, peace and equality. The..

HK IT Company Devoted to Tackling Bottleneck in IoT

The modern IoT era has already begun, from domestic premises to public places, intelligence end..

HK Startup Invests in Access Control to Empower Bizs Towards Growth

Nearly 4 years have passed since the coronavirus outbreak. Though this pandemic has put the..

Merry Christmas! And best wishes for 2023.

Christmas is surrounded by love, joy, and hope. Pass along this message to everyone to..

中國擁超過780個智慧城市試點 一城一策值得借鑒

(Chinese version only) 自1978年改革開放以來,中國經濟騰飛,帶動城市化不斷加速。預計到2025年,中國將會有約三分之二的人口居住在城市,成為全球城市人口最多的國家。國家發展迅速固然是美事一樁,但新問題隨之而來,資源緊缺、交通混亂、高碳排放等統統都是迫在眉睫的難題,「智慧城市」於是成為了中國這些年來的重點發展領域。

日本企業聯手政府 推動神奈川成最強智慧城市

(Chinese version only) 隨著城市化的步伐加快,幾乎每一個國家都正面臨著前所未有的挑戰,例如污染、交通擠塞、廢物管理等等。日本作為一個資源稀缺的島國,自2009年開始便積極推動城市朝智慧及可持續的方向邁進,其中神奈川更憑藉「企業主導,多方參與」的模式,成功獲選日本最強永續智慧社區,得到外界一致認可及好評。